Scan, Analyze and restructure using our services
use our tools to get the most of your financial portfolio
industry leading services for our clients
The power of background analytics help analyse the weak points in our portfolios and accentuate the strong for better returns.
Stock Services
Timing is most essential to gain from stock market operations. Our stock services help spot the best at the right time.
Portfolio services
Our Portfolio services help assess your portfolio position at any given time. We help in timely exit from bad stocks to optimize returns.
Mutual Fund services
Outperforming the Index and top funds, Vivekam’s Mutual Funds services come with highly customized options.
Questions you can answer with Vivekam services
Where can i get insight on my stocks?
Look no further, Snapshot from Vivekam gives you all the information you need about your stock. Its expected price, high & low for the next quarter, quarterly earnings and comparison with Nifty and much more.
What Actions do i need to take for my portfolio?
Allow PRICE from Vivekam to give you insight on Sell/Buy signals on your portfolio backed by more than 10 years of backtesting and research. Make educated decisions as each of our advise is backed by sturdy rationale.
What stocks to buy? and why?
Use Vivekam Top Ranks - SPOTS to identify current top rated stocks per Vivekam. Each stock is selected due to scope to grow from current levels which are shown to every client.
Do I need changes in my portfolio?
Portfolio Scanner from Vivekam answers all your questions about your current holdings. Let us advice you on whether your holdings are fairly priced, under priced or more importantly over priced to take action.
Are my mutual fund holdings headed in the right direction?
Use the Mutual Fund services from Vivekam guide you on your current funds and evaluate if you need to take any action and rebalance accordingly. Remember, invest in the best available fund at any times not the fund you already hold.